Asian Taste (also referred to as "we," "us" or "our")
We only use cookies if you have explicitly agreed to them. In that case, we use cookies for the following purposes:
The information we obtain is never shared with third parties, but always remains in the possession of Asian Taste.
We can divide cookies primarily into 2 different categories, first party cookies and third party cookies. First party cookies are cookies that we manage and where we collect and store the information ourselves. Third party cookies are cookies used by external parties to monitor website traffic or secure forms, for example.
Here we have no control over how they are used.List of third party cookies that will store cookies:
We can also classify cookies into different categories based on the purposes for which they are used. We use 2 different types of cookies:
Essential cookies (first & third party)
These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. They do not contain any personal information and will not violate your privacy. They are only used to make basic functionalities work and to keep track of your cookie preferences. These cookies are also used to save your personal preferences, to secure forms and to integrate Google Maps into the website.
Through these cookies, we can, for example, keep track of the language of the website and ensure that you do not have to log in every time.
To secure our forms, we use reCAPTCHA, a service from Google to prevent spam. In doing so, Google will use some cookies that help them identify whether you are trustworthy or not.
Analytical cookies (only third party)
These cookies are used to monitor our website and analyze the browsing behavior of our visitors and measure conversions, this is done only through anonymous data. With this data we can improve our website.
We use Google for this purpose: Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Maps. Google will use a number of cookies to establish this monitoring.
Personalisation cookies & marketing cookies
These cookies are not currently used.
You also have the option of deleting active cookies. In that case, however, our website may no longer work optimally. See below for instructions on how to delete cookies by browser:
Asian Taste has the right to change this cookie policy at any time.